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상품 사용후기

상품 사용후기입니다.

상품 게시판 상세
subject Good trying sample set before 1kg purchase!
name 자밀라 (ip:)
  • date 2019-03-26 11:18:18
  • 추천 추천하기
  • hit 858
평점 5점

It is cool to have a set of 4 mask samples, so that you can compare them, see their strengths and weaknesses. After that you can easily choose which one you prefer most and buy it. It really prevents you from buying 1kg of sth you might not want to use. I am satisfied with all the masks.

One of the masks is gols gel mask. It is hard to handle because it is sooooo watery and wet. It is hard to evenly layer it on your face, and it takes long time formy skin to absorb alll moisture. But it has definitely strong moisturizing effect, which we are aiming for.

You need time to practice with these gel masks. For charcoal mask, it does not have a its own bowl, but it would be easier to transfer powder to a separate bowl and mix it there. Do not mix powder in zipper bag.
첨부파일 1.jpg , 2.jpg , 3.jpg , 4.jpg , 5.jpg
비밀번호 삭제하려면 비밀번호를 입력하세요.
관리자게시 게시안함 스팸신고 스팸해제
목록 삭제 수정 답변
  • 림스월드 2019-03-26 13:37:55 3점
    수정 삭제 댓글
    스팸글 소중한 후기 감사드립니다 :)

스팸신고 스팸해제

댓글 수정

비밀번호 :

수정 취소

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비밀번호 : 확인 취소

댓글 입력

댓글달기이름 :비밀번호 : 관리자답변보기


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왼쪽의 문자를 공백없이 입력하세요.(대소문자구분)

에게만 댓글 작성 권한이 있습니다.

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